We work exclusively with schools just like yours, and our pricing reflects the way you’re funded. Our packages are intuitive, affordable, and designed on a simple cost-per-pupil basis.
Prices start at just £36 per pupil per year – that’s just 1.5% of your annual student budget! If your student numbers increase, your costs increase; if student numbers decrease, your costs decrease.
Each on-premise server costs your school about £2,200 in electricity a year. When you switch to CloudHappi, that’s an instant saving.
There are no hidden costs and no nasty surprises – and you can wave goodbye to running costs of over £2,200. From just £36 per pupil, per year, we provide:
efficient and intuitive technology that works for your teachers and pupils
fast, secure, reliable data storage
potential saving of thousands by switching to cloud-based storage
a reduction in your carbon footprint – and your energy bill
the ability to deliver fully interactive education come what may – either face-to-face or through a virtual school.
Packages designed for you
Pick the package you need from the options below:

Entry Level- All servers in a private cloud
- Latest Windows on every server
- 300GB Data storage plus
- 1GB/student of data storage
- Netsweeper filtering
- SLA backed support
- All staff access and support FOC*
- Monthly rate fixed to number of students/month
- Microsoft365 integrated with one login
- Staff file share or OneDrive
- Microsoft TEAMS setup correctly for School use
- Government funding for Teams Training secured
- All data backed up daily
- Managed Migration with online Project Plan and updates
Standard Level- All servers in a private cloud
- Latest Windows on every server
- 300GB Data storage plus
- 1GB/student of data storage
- Netsweeper filtering
- SLA backed support
- All staff access and support FOC*
- Monthly rate fixed to the number of students/month
- Microsoft365 integrated with one login
- Staff file share or OneDrive
- Microsoft TEAMS setup correctly for School use
Government funding for Teams Training secured
- All data backed up daily
Managed Migration with online Project Plan and updates
Microsoft RDS for all Staff **
PC, Laptop and Tablet Management and SLA backed support
Smartboard Management and SLA backed support
Website Hosting
1 x Website redesign\refresh
Annual Website Audit
Advanced Level- All servers in a private cloud
- Latest Windows on every server
- 300GB Data storage plus
- 1GB/student of data storage
- Netsweeper filtering
- SLA backed support
- All staff access and support FOC*
- Monthly rate fixed to the number of students/month
- Microsoft365 integrated with one login
- Staff file share or OneDrive
- Microsoft TEAMS setup correctly for School use
- Government funding for Teams Training secured
- All data backed up daily
- Managed Migration with online Project Plan and updates
- Microsoft RDS for all Staff **
- PC, Laptop and Tablet Management and SLA backed support
- Smartboard Management and SLA backed support
Website Hosting
1 x Website redesign\refresh per year
Annual Website Audit
SEO service
- LAN switch replacement †
- 15% discount on Staff laptop replacement
- 15% discount on ICT suite replacement
- WiFi upgrade to WiFi version 6 ‡

* Up to number of students \ 15 for number of staff covered. e.g. 120 students \ 15 = 8, therefore 8 staff accounts included FOC.
** Minimum of 3 users
† Maximum 2 x 48 port POE switches
‡ Maximum 3 x Access Points
To Contact Us For More Information
Frequently Asked Questions
How does it work?
Our solutions are fully Cloud based, using best of breed technologies from Carbonite, Microsoft, Cisco, Netapp, Cerberus and Netsweeper, combined in three packages (Achiever, Super Achiever, Top of The Class ), depending on where you want to be in your IT journey, depends on the package that will be right for you.
How much will it cost?
We don’t price like traditional IT Companies; we tie the cost of out IT packages to a per pupil charge per annum. The government currently provides on average £428 per pupil per month (£5,140 per pupil per annum), so we provide our packages in the same way – Achiever From £3 per pupil per month, Super Achiever from £6 per pupil per month, Top of the Class From £9 per pupil per month. Staff and Governor/ Trustee accounts are provided free of charge.
How does the pricing structure benefit us?
You multiple your pupil numbers by the monthly cost per pupil and that’s the cost for your IT Cloud systems and support each month. The added benefit is if your pupil numbers drop, then we will pro-rata the cost downwards and if they go up, then the cost will go up pro-rata. There is no capital budget requirement, so everything is operating cost and monthly billing helps you manage your outgoings, so you never pay for what you don’t use.
Do my IT costs go up and down depending on my pupil numbers?
In a nutshell, that is it. You only pay for what you need, not for what you don’t.
How are the Pro-rata charges calculated?
At the end of each month, you tell us the pupil numbers and we charge accordingly, it is as simple as that.
Can you tailor contracts to our specific needs?
Our packages are designed to fit the vast majority of requirements that schools have, but if you want us to tailor something specifically for you, then contact us and we will gladly try and meet your needs.
Do I have to plan to change IT in the Summer Break?
Not at all! We will agree on a Project Plan and migration date with you, and we will migrate you overnight or over a weekend. The Cloudhappi deployment methodology provides risk-free migrations whenever they are done and what is more, we are there to hold your hand all the way.
Can I start on ACHIEVER plan and upgrade at a later date?
Yes absolutely, you can start at the ACHIEVER Level and move up to either SUPER ACHIEVER or TOP OF THE CLASS plans, whenever you are ready and the new fee starts from the day of change.
Will great IT help my Ofsted rating?
You are required by the Government to adopt a Cloud-first policy for IT and to show how you use it to drive positive outcomes for your kids. The Cloudhappi packages give you the IT foundations to access the knowledge pool we have created with the other Schools that use us, to show you how to apply IT to drive positive outcomes and raise standards.
Can I talk to Head Teachers who have chosen the Cloudhappi approach?
Absolutely, we have Video Case Studies on our website and our Heads are more than happy to help other Heads to understand how they can achieve the benefits that Cloudhappi bring to schools.
Will using Cloudhappi help me meet my legal requirement to be able to teach virtually by October 22nd 2020 and beyond?
This is the core of our mission for schools and all our schools are able to function as virtual schools. We provide the technology, help secure grant funding, setup and training, as well as providing a wealth of self-help tools and guides, so all your staff can teach with confidence in the virtual world.
How do Cloudhappi ensure that our IT is always the best it can be and we use it to its full potential to reduce administrative time for staff and drive the most positive outcomes for our kids?
We use a system of quarterly reviews where we look at the performance of our service and how well we are both working together. However, the real purpose is to suggest and guide you to look at getting the most out of the technology you have and revolutionise the way IT is used in Education. We value what you do and want to make sure you are the best you can be.
Will using Cloudhappi help me retain and attract staff?
Great IT that works, ensures that staff can focus on driving positive outcomes for the kids. All the Teachers and Support Staff that use Cloudhappi always say that they just want IT to work, and with Cloudhappi, it does. Anything that increases Staff satisfaction, helps with retention and helps attract new talent.
Will using Cloudhappi help me increase my pupil numbers?
Given that you get on average £5,140 per pupil from the government, then filling spare capacity can make a huge difference to your budget. The Cloudhappi approach helps you drive engagement from your key stakeholder groups (Staff, Pupils, Parents and Governors), all of which improves reputation and can really help make your school a destination school for prospective parents.
Say goodbye to outdated, inefficient and expensive technology that holds you back and say hello to the CloudHappi way – efficient, affordable IT services that work for you.