CloudHappi Virtual Learning Hub
Welcome to The Cloudhappi Virtual Learning Hub!
You will find out and see how Teachers are using technology and best practice to drive virtual learning and deliver positive outcomes for their students. We are passionate about showing the best of the best so that no student is left behind.
These learning platforms, tips and techniques are proven to help students with positive formative assessments and drive creativity and innovation.
This page is a resource for Teachers and School Leaders, so if there is something you would like us to research or a problem you would like us to find a resolution for, email us at and we will do our best to add to this page and advise you when it’s done.
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is the virtual learning hub which keeps notes, assignments, and your school calendar all together. It has a wide array of features including the following: Screensharing- so students can see what you are doing, Raise your hand- allows students to ask questions without interrupting lessons or other students, together mode that allows teachers to see the whole class, breakout rooms splits classes into smaller groups and assignments which students can complete and hand in to be marked in teams. There are so many more features which are designed to make virtual learning a simple and enjoyable experience for everyone.
Microsoft OneNote
Microsoft One Note is a digital notebook which makes work simple for both students and teachers. The software allows students to organise their work throughout different section and pages making it easier for them and teachers to locate specific pieces of work, teachers can then also annotate the work students do remotely. Other features are Microsoft learning tools and Immersive reader that use proven tools to improve reading regardless of age/ ability.
Minecraft Education allows students to learn coding and unlock creativity with game-based learning. There’s over 150 hours of lessons and if you’re not sure they have a free demo for you to try. This software is great for children who don’t have self-confidence and allow them to express themselves as It helps them Builds social, creativity, communication, teamwork and problem-solving skills. Can be personalised to class. Some students have also found it helps them Relax and help their mindfulness. Find out how it works in this video.
Nearpod is a virtual learning software designed to help students with formative assessments and making every lesson interactive. The best feature is that you can upload previous lessons, PowerPoint presentations, YouTube videos and so much more. Boosting pupil participation is key and Nearpod is designed to keep pupils involved even when they are miles apart. See how it works in this video.
Microsoft Education Centre
Microsoft education centre is ideal for teachers as it provides free course, training and resources for virtual teaching and other uses of Microsoft education technology. It can also help with lesson plans in case you are struggling to come up with ideas for virtual lessons.
We have noticed that some schools have not found virtual learning to be simple and easy as its been laid out but hopefully we can help you with our guidance. Schools we work with use Microsoft Teams to implement their virtual leaning which you can look into in our Teams section to find out more. To see how teachers are trying to help other teachers with Microsoft Teams for virtual lessons click the following links
Top 10 tips for Teaching using Microsoft Teams
How to use Microsoft teams and create interactive collaborative learning

Microsoft Sway
Microsoft Sway allows you captivate your audience and create visually striking newsletters, presentations and documentation in minutes. Content can be added from anywhere easily just by dropping photos, videos and other multimedia saving you time. You can record lessons so students can access them at any time and store in organised, categorised resource page.
Flip Grid is a simple, free, and accessible video discussion experience for teachers, students and families. The idea is to create a discussion share with your learning community. Learners record and share short videos with you and your class. They provide 25,000+ Flipgrid topics created by other users. The site provides guides, webinars and a help centre to help you understand everything and make your experience simple.
Scratch is a great software to teach students how to code their own animations, stories and games. Other teachers across the world share their ideas to make it easier for anyone using the software. Tutorials are provided to make it even simpler if any staff are new to the software. Find out more on this video
Duckduckmoose created ChatterPix which is an application that you van have on your phone that allows you to animate any image. It works by either taking a picture of yourself or any object, draw a line where you want the mouth to go and then you have 30 seconds to record a message which the image will then read with the mouth you just drew. This is really great for primary pupils as you can set them tasks from different characters keeping them engaged in lessons. Still confused? Watch this video.
Marvellous Me
Marvellous Me helps with driving up parent engagement within virtual learning which is very important to ensure they know everything that is going on while students are using virtual learning. Its is a full school solution to make it easier for staff and no extra work. Manage and measure parental engagement as well as providing them with their children’s progress so they can help them further at home after school. Want to see how schools are using Marvellous Me click following the link:
Ring Central
Ring central provide VoIP which allows phone calls through an IP network (which means works through your WiFi or LAN). VoIP is being chosen by many schools as WIFI and LAN connection speeds are getting faster and better which is allows stable connected calls. VoIP allows entirely direct calls meaning that calls do not pass over traditional phone lines, instead it converts your voice into digital signals and sends that as data through your broadband. VoIP can be tested through a free trail and then can be purchased if you think it would be a key asset to improving your school. VoIP will save you money on call charges and you no longer need to pay for a BT Line and when your are not in school, you can make and answer calls just like you were there.
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