Welcome to Cloud Happi
The CloudHappi Way
Efficient, Affordable IT Services That Work For You.
All you need to be in the cloud and your virtual learning solution!
Super Achiever
In addition to Achiever full managment of all your PC’s and tablets as well as your website hosting and audit
Top of the class
In addition to super achiever, full replacement of all PC’s, laptops and tablets.
Happi Connect
Super Fast Broadband and Web filtering powered by Netsweeper

We’re on a mission to shake up IT in schools, and to show you there is a better way. Very quickly, we’ll switch your school to fast, secure and affordable cloud-based technology. No mess, no loss of access, and no disruption to your pupils and staff – the only thing your staff will notice is fast, secure, fuss-free technology. Contact us today, and start your journey to better IT.
With CloudHappi you can…
Provide the best for your pupils
We empower you to get the best results out of the latest technology in a way that works for you –– leading to excellent learning outcomes for your pupils.
Get business-class technology and save money in the process
On-premise servers are inefficient, outdated and expensive. CloudHappi exists to bring fast, reliable and affordable cloud solutions to the education sector.
Say goodbye to outdated, inefficient and expensive technology that holds you back and say hello to the CloudHappi way – efficient, affordable IT services that work for you.